User-Defined Functions

    In Python, user-defined functions are custom functions created by the programmer to perform specific tasks. These functions allow you to encapsulate a block of code into a reusable, named unit. User-defined functions are defined using the def keyword and can accept input parameters, execute a sequence of statements, and optionally return a value.

    [1] Simplified User-Defined Function

    The Python function below multiply_by_two multiplies an input by two.

    • Function Header: The function header line defines the function and its parameters. In this case, the function is named multiply_by_two, and it takes a single parameter, input_value. The colon : indicates the beginning of the function’s body.
    • Docstring: It provides a brief description of what the function does. It serves as documentation to help developers understand the purpose of the function.
    • Function Body: The function body is the part of the function that contains the actual code. In this function, it’s a single line of code: result = input_value * 2. This line calculates the result by multiplying the input_value by 2 and assigns it to the variable result.
    • Return Statement: The return keyword is used to specify what the function should output. In this case, it returns the value stored in the result variable, which is the result of the multiplication.
    • Function Call: The last line, multiply_by_two(5), is a function call. It invokes the multiply_by_two function with the argument 5. This means it’s passing the value 5 as the input_value parameter. The function then returns the result of multiplying 5 by 2, which is 10.

    [2] User-Defined Function with Multiple Parameters

    User-defined functions with multiple parameters are custom functions that can accept more than one input value. These functions allow us to perform operations that depend on multiple pieces of data or information.

    The Python function below multiply_numbers takes two numbers (num1 and num2) as input and returns their result.

    [3] User-Defined Function with For Loop

    The Python code below creates a Python function numbers_below_limit that generates a list of numbers below a specified limit using a for loop. It takes one parameter limit, which indicates the upper limit for generating the number.

    Inside the function, an empty list named result is created to store the generated numbers. A for loop is used to iterate through a range of numbers from 0 to limit-1. This loop creates a sequence of numbers, starting from 0 and ending at a limit-1. Inside the loop, each number is appended to the result list using the append method. After the loop, the result list, which contains all the numbers below the specified limit, is returned as the output of the function.

    [4] Scope in Functions

    In programming, “scope” refers to the context or region in a program where a particular variable is valid and can be used. It defines where in your code a variable can be accessed or modified. There are two common types of scopes in most programming languages, including Python:

    • Local Scope: Variables defined within a function are typically considered local to that function. They are only accessible from within that specific function and are not visible or usable outside of it.
    • Global Scope: Variables defined at the top level of a program or module are considered global variables. They can be accessed and modified from anywhere in the program, including within functions.

    The example below illustrates local and global scopes:

    In this example, global_variable is in the global scope and can be accessed from anywhere in the code. local_variable is in the local scope of the my_function and is only accessible within that function.

    [5] Nested Function

    A nested function is a function defined inside another function. In programming, it’s a way to encapsulate functionality and create a more organized and modular code structure.

    The code below defines a Python function called calculate_sum_and_square, which calculates two related values and returns them as a pair.

    [6] Default Arguments

    Default arguments are parameters in a function that have predefined values. When you define a function with default arguments, you can call the function without providing a value for those parameters. Instead, the function uses the default values specified in the function definition.

    Here’s an example:

    In this example, the greet function has a default value for the greeting parameter. If you don’t provide a greeting when calling the function, it defaults to “Hello.”

    [7] Flexible Arguments

    Flexible arguments in Python are a way to pass an arbitrary number of arguments to a function. They are often used when we want a function to be able to handle an unknown or variable number of arguments. When we use *args in a function definition, it allows us to pass an arbitrary number of positional arguments. These arguments are collected into a tuple, which can be iterated over or used in the function as needed.

    In this example, *args allows the function to accept any number of arguments, and it calculates the sum of these numbers.

    [8] Flexible Keyword Arguments

    When we use **kwargs in a function definition, it allows us to pass an arbitrary number of keyword arguments. These keywords arguments are collected into dictionary where the keys are the arguments names, and the values are the argument values.

    In this example, **kwargs allows the function to accept any number of keyword arguments and prints them.

    [9] Lambda Functions

    A lambda function is a small, anonymous function that can be defined using the lambda keyword. Lambda functions are commonly used in situations where a small simple function is needed for a short duration, such as in functional programming constructs like map(), filter() and reduce().

    Here is an example of a lambda function that calculates the result of raising a given number x to the power of another number y.

    n the provided example, the lambda function raise_to_power takes two arguments, x and y, and returns the result of raising x to the power of y. When we call raise_to_power(2, 3), it returns 2^3, which is 8.

    [10] Error Handling

    Error Handling in Python involves the process of managing and responding to expectations or errors that may occur during the execution of a program. Exception handling is critical for writing robust and reliable code. It allows us to handle unexpected situations, prevent our program from crashing, and provide meaningful error messages to users.

    The following code defines a Python function named sqrt. This function is intended to calculate the square root of a given number x. If an exception occurs, the function will print the following message: x must be an int or float.

    We can also use a TypeError. This occurs when an operation receives an argument of the correct data type but with an inappropriate value.

    The Python function sqrt is intended to calculate the square root of a non-negative number. It includes input validation to ensure that the input is non-negative, and if a negative number is provided, it raises a ValueError.


    The blog post provides an overview of various aspects of user-defined functions and error handling in Python, including user-defined functions with multiple parameters, functions with loops, scopes, nested functions, default arguments, flexible arguments, lambda functions, and error handling.